*Crystal, read this! Ahh I realize this is a way to socially communicate with my friends who has no Facebook nor Twitter.
Anyways ohmygosh I haven't update again for such a long time, I'm back :D Remember I said I'm going to KL Birds Park, the trip I've been so excited of? Cos there's really nothing much to do during the first week of holidays, so a visit to a bird park would be good. I'm not a real bird-fan tho, but a trip to anywhere would be nice. Many has said "yerr later the bird poop on your head" :/ Hmm finish this post & lets see whether I kena bird poop or not ah. Plus, I even get Crystal & her sister, Cristina to come with me to this one day trip, fun much(; this trip was actually organized by PJ Church Of Christ you see, we're to play treasure hunt. But hmm, with the hot sun & photography & non-stop walking for hours & hunger & "ooooohh nice feathers!", basically we just forgot about the treasure hunting thing. Well, mainly I forgot about it hahahah :p Threw the work to Kah Jun. Hmm, irresponsible group member I am :/
Kay so here's the entrance.
Crystal & Cristina (Geez I kept typing Catrina!)
We haven't had really much to do there, waited for quite a long time. Got a'lil fustrated of waiting cos all you can hear is birds chirping but no birds to see-_-
Mua's name badge for BLUE TEAM(:
This blue feathered bird may look cute but it actually hurt Joanna while she tries to feed it. :S
And then this bird down here is quite common cos nomather where you go, you're gonna see it. Not particular IT lahh, I mean..see them(: This bird was acyually beside Lucas while he's sitting down on a rock & Lucas was like "Look look there's a bird there!" *Pointing far away*. And Olivia said "What, but theres a bird there right beside you" LOL.
Feeding moment. Not very nice.
Cos they're all flying here flying there blocking our way & hard to avoid. They feed on meat :/
Where got dumpster so cute one?!
This bird..poser lahh. Cos when you wanna take a photo of it, it'll stop moving one! Then when you don't wanna catch a photo, it's head will start to move again :D No kidding!
Greenery, lovin' much<3 was hoping I can go for jungle tracking this holidays tho..but mm, here's not bad too.
Crystal, Cristina, Olives & I.
Mommy! Ahh don't get fool thinking she's an Arsenal fan. I don't think she knows what Arsenal is tho..epic much(:
THIS HOUSE UP HERE AH! KNOW HOW LONG I WAITED TO BE SEATED IN OR NOT-?! Okay I was still kind of mad cos I was feeling very hungry all the way & all they sell in the bird park along the way was ice creams, candies, chips & those snacks. Nothing that can make you full. And that time I was craving for a whole pizza.
Think this is fake? Watch closely(;
Well at first I thought it is fake, but alas I come to a conclusion that NOTHING is fake in the bird park :/ unless you're talking about the dumpsters! The owl at the back, sibeh cute :3 But hehhh, didn't see it turning it's head round and round and roun 180degrees ):
Know how to say hello one wohh! :D
A very disgusting looking leaf ):
And then there's Lorries feeding! With milk, so that they'll come near to you(:
Spot the only brown one among all the colourful ones. So 'ugly duckling' came true for this bird. But heh, she's special(:
This one didn't clean it's mouth D:
Ehheee Lucas was like "Very heavy! Their very heavy!" LOLOLLL two birds, heavy.
And hmm, they seems to think they've finally found a nice looking bird nest.
And a handsome looking brunch :D
"Ohh look someones takin' photos of us!"
"Where where?" :D
And you see horr, this parrot is in the same place we met the lorries. Except this was enclosed in a cage. At first we thought..why so sad one have to close it like that? And it has beautiful feathers! Cristina wanted to touch it and the next thing we knew..
Tries to peck us. Scatu much, all of us jump back in fright. No wonder need to be caged lahh-_- sympathy taken back :/
Kah Jun's the first one the kena bird poop already! Now ducking heads to avoid birds flying above our heads, they fly so low one-.-
This corn-eating bird knows how to smile one! My favourite bird of all :D
Excited much. :D
Behold the scary looking witch bird. Okay, not really a bird, at this size :/ Heard it attacks on people one!
And this..hahahhahaha picture caught by Olivia. Know why half of it's head is gone? Because she took this pic just a second before it realize we're taking pictures of her. She's like "X" *shiapdink*, straing at you 8'/ We ran away as quickly as we could. Really, birds this size can be scary. Sommore it's walking free!
The Waterfall Avairy.
Blue Team FTW.
I met Big Bird's brother from Sesame Street!
LOL Cristina's face.
And oooooohh. been waiting for this moment much?
The egg incubation nursery :3
I dunno why, it couldn't stay still while it's in my hands ): And then when I err, put it near my chest, it stays still already :/ Seems like it likes my warmth hohoohohoohho
Ngaww ngaw ngawwwww IT'S SO FLUFFAY UNTIL I'M GONNA DIEEEEEE :3 If only I can bring one home and put it one my bed to sleep with me (: (: (: *I'll only find it squashed flat with my body the next morning* ):
HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO I'm like this monster. Effff, my ugly nails ruin this pic.
This girl damn cute lahh. Her dad wants her to leave it & go, she says "Nooooo I wanna take it back home." Daddy says "If you bring it back home I'm going to eat it" LOL
Ostrich & Emu feeding has been fun! I prefer the short neck Emu tho, the ostrich is kind of aggressive.
And that's why I bbq it.
Found this feather. Which reminds me the quill they use in Harry Potter! Only not this big or it's be awesome.
Icecreams & chips was all we got to buy. Only thing I'm unsatisfied. You know me, no one will stop me having food while I'm real hungry because my mood will go down like a G5 roller coaster. Only these birds would, hmph. Mumblings & complaining much.
See the lil' ducklings under her? :D
Icecream dripped on my hand.
Reminds me of Cameron Highlands much. Tho I haven't been there before, but seen something like this in the pictures.
Saw a bird nest & eggs & baby lil' birds crying for mama to get food!!!!!!! :D
They brought the 7 year old Juwei out of me LOL
I have fat thights, like rhino. )':
Scary evil looking red-eyed bird.
My crying & exhaustion face.
Jealous much, Qiqi get carried whenever she's tired. Too bad I'm 18.
Sigh, this hornbill seriously is in depression. You really can feel it one!
The Amphitheater. The parrots damn cute lahh riding a miniature of a scooter & a bicycle.
Kay that's all. Long post aye? Have great fun tho, had a packet of fried rice & a packet of nasi lemak for lunch. I actually can have two plates of chicken chop or stuff up a whole pizza at that time..but hmm, thats all they got. And that's when my mood starts to went down :p But anyway it's fun lahh, with the greenery & nature. Exhaustion much.God bless, xx.
Music of the day: Her Room - Teyana Taylor (Marvin's Room Remix)
*P/s, Yu Ern I forgot your blog link! Type it out in my chatbox kay(:
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