Heyyyyy, this may be a post I should post a longggggggg time ago but heh, I was lazy. So here you are, this is what we do after exam periods ( :
Went to Pavilion, wasn't expecting this many people at first, but it was ultra fun!
Went to Chattime to get our pearl tea & milk shakes.
I love Ching Tung's hello kitty flask so muchhhhhh weyh! It's so pink, saya mau T-T
If only there is a Cookie Monster one :3
And then we went to watch a horror movie.
Okay-_-even the name scares me, cos know why? It's my first horror movie in my entire life! And I'm eighteen :S even watching a short clip about 2 minutes last time I also cannot sleep already, this movie is about 2 hours wodemama D: but heh, I only watch 40% of the movie only, mostly hiding behind my bag ) : Rayray was my arm rest LOL. She turns out not to be as coward as me, sigh. Epic fail lahh me XD Sigh!
As I've guessed, I end up sleeping with my parents that night. Cannot tahan lying on my bed my self already weyh, then I went to mum's room, hugging her & I slept :D Momma's baby girl, yeah ._. until now I can still remember some parts of it, visual & sounds. D; NEVER AGAIN I'LL WATCH ANOTHER HORROR FREAKIN' MOVIE! Humph.
At the entrance. Ignore the minion, cos there's only eight of us, the minion accompanied us in in spirit ( :
Berjaya got into the cinema, not all of us are eighteen. Phew!
And guess whaaaaaaat? We met Rachel Rayray & Amelia there HAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAH.
I was like..woa?! Also at Pavilion? SOMMORE WATCHING THE SAME MOVIE?!
You yuan daooooooo :D memang sisters weyh hahahahah!
They didn't dare to go in cos know why..? There's only ONE person in the cinemas at that time before we went in. And when the show starts, there's only two rows of people in there. Scary much right :/ never been in a cinema this empty!
Movie ends.
Check out WAN ER (the girl at the most left!), attention seeker! XD
Went to Sticky, Waihuai wants to buy candies for her ahem.
Went to Sushi Zamai at Ferenheit (just across Pavilion) to have our lunch.
Wan Er's. (down)
Wai Huai's.
And..MINE :P best ever!<3
Tempura I <33333333333 best. Sore throat T-T
LOL this looks wrong. Like I'm vomiting the mee instead of eating it :/
Qiny wasn't dare to gulp in the whole egg yolk, she tried.
Was laughing all the way until we went home XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(down) "Aunty Ching Tung having problems in financial, she's nyaking to Aunty Xhinwei" - says Waihuai.
For more epic photos go to Wan Er's or my Facebook to see ( : too lazy to upload all here!
Total sum up to.......
So cute!
Aiks, Ellen went back first so there's only 7 pig face photos ) : ignore the cute girl. :p
Kay it ends here. *Wave hands*, byes!
Ooooooh and more, had the best Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt icecream : D
mom & I kept squeezing the machine thing, we couldn't finish it in the end ) :
(sorry, picture quality ain't so good. Blackberry pictures.)
That's all for nao, God bless.
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