Alright, like what I've said in the title, this post will NOT be a very beautiful post. You'll know why (;
I wasn't in a mood of being pretty or just by dressing up nicely, so the this is normaly how I look if I didn't make an effort of dressing up or just by smiling nicely. Reason? I was super upset that I couldn't be in Cambodia with the other youths to serve there & help out with the kids, all because of that unreasonably-reasoned dad :B. Up until now, I'm still not in the mood, sigh. But basically, it's just still me!
And this was on last last Sunday? Where brother Gordan Hogan came to give a sermon.
By the way it's also his 89th birthday (if I'm not mistaken!). Butter cake made by Aunty Suzie, always that delicious!

And this awesome-looking cupcakes? Also by Aunty Suzie, for Trinen's birthday, which is one day before Hogan's. Cheese flavoured with icings! Ahhhhhhhhhh x)
And this was today. I went to an education fair in Midvalley with Kyna & her family. Kyna's going Cambodia tomorrow. And then I met Carmen. No photos or whatsoever, wasn't in the mood with photos. :\
But guess who I met?
Amber Chia, hahahaha :D Am lucky enough! In case you don't know, she's Malaysia's most recognizable supermodel. And don't need you to tell me, I look like a sakai beside her ):
Argh! Should have dressed nicely & put on some make up before I come, *big regrets*!
Anyway, I met her at AmberChia's Academy booth. And then started following each other on Twitter, LOL. Seriously I hate my face in this picture ))))))):
Okay back to topic, the education fair. I was......IDK. There's soooo many booths, courses & people with darn smiling faces asking "What are you looking for?" "Any questions you wanna ask?" "Mind telling me what courses you planning to take?"
Pfffffffftttt, IDK okay. All I can tell you is: NO BUSINESS, NO ACCOUNTS AND NO LAW.
Mom kept nyaking that I don't know what my directions is to. But the fact is, I know! I'm actually interested in Psychology, events management, culinary arts, dancing, don't-know-how-to-say designing or just any social services. Dad says services is gonna be super important and strongly needed in the future coming.
And here is mommy keep nyaking about I don't know what I want. End up she walks alone, and me & daddy go hunt for fliers, HAHA :p. It's just....idk, discouraging? I know what I want okay mom?
And theres another one, dad says he might let me study in USA, ooooooh yeah (:.
Well, that's my first wish. He actually wanted Australia for me, an argument we had in the past previous months. But then, dad says the US rates has came down, which he "can think about it". So...yeah. Better than a total no right? Add on: I'm actually really concern for my SUEC results, I'm half dying already.
And after the education fair I went for a birthday party of my ex-neighbour's. Uncle Chin's house. her youngest daughter's birthday!
childrens, the birthday girl is right beside you, not on the table. :P
Durian cake, and oreo ice cream cake. *Loves!*
Fish fingers rocks!
Scaredchaaaaa didn't we?
And that's why I said, not the usual beautiful, that's what it's all about.
Sheen's long mouth & my big nostrils, HAH!
Stop pointing that finger Sheeeeeeeen!
Yes, the kids are watching us -_- Baddie!
Okay last picture of the day, atlease this turns out beautiful. Like the effects around it!
By the way mom bought Kings & Queens Mango Body Butter for me :D
So in case you kept smelling theres mango whenever I'm near you, it's not that I stuffed stolen mangoes in my pocket yea. (;
The cinemon flavoured one was actually my first choice, but mom said it smells like bugs shit ):
Available in body shampoo too! Trust me, sangat wangi!
And lastly, please pray for Japan. <3
Am so relief that the Japan peeps I know from last year's AOF4 are safe!
The ones who are going to AOF5 this year went to Singapore just before the earthquake happened. Phew!
So they're gonna made it. Unfortunately, I'm not going. Youths from China are gonna be there too. And I'm nooooooottttttttttt going. ): Maybe it's the lords will that I stay.
In my prayer, everyone. xx.
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