Monday, October 19, 2009

juweis outdated post: exams matters D:!

heyyyy IM BACK :D
yeah my blog has been dead ever since school exams!
and im kinda lazy to update my!
another reason: i LOVE to take photo's! until i hv too many photo's to edit+upload!
so....LAZY again :P

i've forgotten almost everything,
so all i can depend is these pictures and some shallow memories :)
lets start with..........
umm...this dog? :)
a.k.a: some time for me to relax from books D:
went to my neighbour's house to celebrate.
the golden retriever,is adoring <3

yeah,playin candles! childish XD!
but it,kinda fun?
its about midnight.....
and this baby is sleeping! got woke up by us ):
high 5!! :P
poor thingy lah,its was sleeping soundly in the cage,
thn the little girl(dogs owner) go drag it out XD!
the baby is ssssssoooooo blur until it cant walk by itself,
we drag it,thn he go continue to lie on the floor x3
its eyes....are adoring 8)

these are some random pictures.
i remembered this is friday!
was forced to go bm+eng tuition ):
which i hate the most.
mom say:"if you go,i'll belanja you a pizza :)"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,i went ):
thank god now exams are over..
so i dont have to go to tht hell place again 8(

this is what cause me to stuck in a jam for about an hour!
saw something in the sky?
my house was near the subang airport...
and theres a flight exhbition........
these jets are flying around and around and around...
and every1 go park their cars beside the road to hv a good look!
due to the terrible traffic,we even just stop our in the middle of the road to look at those jets :D
so CHUN!

random pics again ;P!
my name badge! only rm4,'ts freakin cheap :)
left: <> written by Dorothy...
is AWESOME ;D i just finished it days ago!
right: brang cammy to school,and they took some pics,found this funny!
PPOOKKKK ching en :P

below are the maths tuition pics!
which was the tuition i enjoyed the most :)
unlike bm tuition :P
tuition in mcd's :D
bought some marshmellows ;;3
umm,green pumkin?
"is this good" "let me try" XD!
and it turns out....the round marshmellow is actually a heart shape in the inside ;)
boring snapings o.o

lol,lantern festival again!
aiks...lazy to reorganize the pics lah :P
my lil this age....she's addicted to micheal jackson!

got these tee,bought from school :)
this is yeng,so i bought!
and this....looks like my swim-tee,which i use to go swimming last time.

during examinations.......
this was SEJ paper,and i finshed the paper in 45 minutes instead of 2 and a half hours.
so...theres about 1 hrs 15 mins left.
was bored to death ): sleeping also sleep till sien liao,
so.....i wrote a post :)
cause i miss my blog lil muchie <3
i exchage class with jr1e,
i remember writing about the lil prefect boy who sits beside me.,has an uncommon way to stapler his...paper.
its like the whole class is sleeping because we finished our paper..
then suddently....BBBAAAAAAMMMMMMM!!
and everyone was looking at him.
he.....PUNCH his stapler to stapler the papers.
gawd,i dont know how to discribe this...
anw,we just cant keep laughing,but we held our mouths tight,
and i laugh through my nose,and made a funny noise,hw embarrasing D:!
musics+recent events+desires,love for my blog XD!
ok,ctn about jr1e...
they' some kind of interesting movie to me :P
no offence juniors! its only jr1e,weired class.
theres a boy,who keep showing to girls/touching/punching his dick infront of us,
and says "mp4 protection" whenever he touch his dick -.- ew,
till some of our classmates purposely came up to jr1e to see for real.
then theres the punching stapler prefect,
then theres a keep-lauging-wearing-glasses girl,
then theres a super unpolits,act as they're very handsome gang,(puke)
and theres some boys who sits under the teacher's table,stratching legs out,as if they're sitting a boat or sth........
and BLAH!
want some entertainment? go jr1e.
they made us laught our ass out and i end up dint study for some subjects!

more post will be updated soon :)

.Je t'aime, Je t'adore babe.

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