Sunday, December 13, 2009

♥funkass ='D!

i feel like...

hello doeeyyyyyyy ='D!
miss me?
i know you've missed me :)
lol,everybody was grumbling that my blog has been dead don't know how many years ago...@.@! it made me realise that actually theres someone who is reading my blog :) muahaha!thanks for reading anyway!
so,i'm BACK :D

sick of me yet? =P haha
i havent been taking perasan pics for about a month you know!
grrrrrrrrrrrrr !$%##*(^$@!

hmm,today was just some random day as ever....went to church,and blah! cassy was sick o.o get well so yarh =D! btw,im so glad that popa has finally came back from guang zhou,china :) i've been missing him and my diary mate,rayray ALOT D:! cause....without popa,i may get into a quarrle very easily with moma XD! but thank god that never happens lah,it made us quite an effort anyway :S
oh by the way...i just vomit in my bathroom just now o.o neh! that stupid chicken rice lah=.=
the garlic smell make me wanna puke,i guess :S

okayyyyy,so basicaly i've been dancing dancing dancing this whole november till early december =)
so im kinda lazy or too tired to update this little thing,my blog.
heres some pictures!you may find them in facebook lah duh.
crab legs ='D
hahaha! this was shot because teacher was sick and dint come that two days,so we curi relax abit nia =)

this was.....rehersal for performance :)♥
guess what,i fell in ♥ with Rocky,strawberry flavour-.-!
neh that lihjiuan nah! D: made me addicted now~
apparantly....uhm,theres SO MANY stadiums/auditoriums/buildings in putrajaya....
and..we went to a totally wrong building-.-
wondering why theres ssssoooooo many indians there standing like soldiers saja! males one side,females the other side.
then we ask someone in the counter,they say "you're in a wrong building! that building ur suppose to go is......thr thr thr~~~"*pointing*
run like siao @@ saw lotsa bird shits too=.=
this favourite dance,Passion.;)

fire come out come out! XD

ah,so this dance is mainly about our passion for dancing :)
its've been doing this thing for so long,then sometimes you feel really tired and wants to give up,but in the end,you're still hardworkingly trying to continue doing it,because this is what you love to do,this is your passion :)
aiyah,something like that lah! @@
this is....In Remembrance.:)
its a dance about a child,missing his mother.
but....i really dont have that feel lo XD!!
so,teacher say...just simply think of someone you're missing lah!
HAHA,so.......this dance is mainly about you♥,nehh you lah! =') don't know who im talking jiu suan le bah!haha!btw.....,i miss you like hell :) its been a month i havent seen you,it feels like years :S and,thanks for loving me,i still can't beleive that you're mine♥ hehe.karyao in work yarh,dont get too stress out,i love you.:)

ok,uhm,continue..... XD the song we're dancing was actually so touching and sweet until i cried once in practise,lmao!
and during performance day.....well,i was alomost going to cry when we pray together with my group dancers...but then,when i went to the stage and prepare,everything was just.....*blank* XD! and i cant even think of anything,except....follow steps!follow music! hahaha sorry! =P

modern dance :D!

performing day on 6th of december =')
hahaha,everyone was so busy and nervous,then i go take photo=.=!
i know im lame =)
the place was sooooo COLD until my fingers are numb like rocks all the way!
the food exciters!

alice has actually gone wild!! haha :D

saw the skaiiii~ or they so called.."red indian".
but sakaiii sounds suitable for me :P

okay,i looks like im gonna eat her! hope i dint scared her o.o!
her eyes are naturaly light GREY in colour!!!!!!
thats my dream eyes weih T^T
these were some foreign guest dancers nia.
they were awsome ='D!
thats all really feels weired when its all suddently and finally over!
i still wana continue dancing my favourite dance )'; if thats possible.cause teacher is saying.....if we decide to take grade8 ballet examination next year,then we wont be able to go indonesia to DONT WANT TO TAKE EXAMS NEXT YEAR D:!!!its so scary!hiak hiak!

check out eminem :)
ah can he get any hotter? :D
well....except for edward cullen nia!!and him,HAHA!!
currently addicted to his song, Beautiful!
and this.........♥`

Breathless aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
my all time favourite since form3!
thanks youern for introducing this song to me,i've missed you.
btw,i the lyrics :)
you leave me breathless,you're everything good in my life,
you leave me breathless,i still can't beleive that you're mine,
you just walked out of one of my dreams,
so beautiful you're leaving me,breathless♥`

theres i quote i like:
if i has to choose between loving you,and breathing.
i would use my last breath to say I love you.:)
aawww sweet isn't it? i got it from fb!

owh.,theres....about 2 more weeks till school reopens =D!
but i hate tuition T^T how sad could i get?next year im not gonna have math tuition together with claudia&youern already ): instead,im gonna go to a form5 boy's house to tuition math with him,alone o.o haih!somore ada BM&ENG tuition man! form5 ish gona be my personal hell :S
half of me wants school reopens,another half of me want holidays forever!
gggaaahhhhhh,im going nuts @@

fast fast come back from egypt lah huiyo :'D!!

.i love you,sweet♥.

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