Thursday, September 24, 2009


went for ballet class.
well,,not exacally dancing ballet,
went to practise our performance moves :]
first dance is about us wrapped in clothes....its mainly about mom warmht&blah :O
second dance we're using chinese fans!
both are comtempory,i think :)
gosh,those fans are freaking hard to control o.o
its like your hands needs to keep trambling
flip-flip-flip-flip-flipflap-flip-flap -.-
and the scru on d fan makes my hands hurts!

but anywayyyy,,,,
i enjoy,for some reason :)
its for performance riiittttee,
so nomather how hard it is to learn,i'll still hv to cope.
ooosshh :D
its an INTERNATIONAL performance!!!!

after dancing class,
went with ballet mates to eat PIZZAAAA
was hungry like hell D:
dancing like..........3 and a half hrs?
n we only practise till the front part :X

thanks miss moo for belanja-ing ;D!!

some extra photo's frm m.moo.
dance valley hv facebook XD

check out san.fransisco's china town!!
these rawks ;;3
fans do look nice on stage huh?
but the hands do suffer!
white peacock!


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