Friday, May 8, 2009

SPORTs d/\y :D

...SPORTS D/\Y...
eheh :D
i turn tan ald leh!!!!!
so nw my hands and legs hv different shades O.O"

damn pain de lorx!
yst i hv huodong marx~
tht teacher duno which vein SOT jor,suddently sssoooo FIERCE 2 us ==
scaryyyy wey~~~~
thn we mai do do do what she says lo.....
nw my leg hv bruises+blueblacks~oh...i can call maroon blacks D: two bones of my collar bones "ZHONG" jorrrrr O.O"
nw sit oso problem!darn it D=
and oso muscle ache T^T
tmr morning still hv huodong-.-.-
morning wey~ people sleep i dance :D
geng lerr~~~ =PP

oh yeah! back to sports day~
...too lazy walk here walk there like wed....
2day jz sleep sleep SLEEEPPP up sun wan :D
so freaking hot down there ==
thn drink+eat+go toilet lo xD

hahhahahahha =P
ahcar too hot dy~

bored tht time go find ray! :D
do "bak chi+wu liao" stuff up there~

sings *dont trust me* xDDD


eat chips :D
vegetarian flavour pulak-.-.-
no taste wan!

in the end...
the floooor turn up.....

like this :DD

and DRINK!

they say horrr....
that water is made from tap water wan worrr~~~
omg omg oamgeeeee!
i drank like.....3 or 4 cups?
lol wateva~i until nw belum *OLIDUU* :D

and toooo wuliao...
we took our bottles xDD
NIKE wey!!!!!!!!!!
both nikeis almost lost their mums last time!
phew they found us AGAIN =]

not to forget jia wen!
later she KILLL me xP
i kena scold by her b4 yst..
she BADDIE modd..
i jz sit her place cz i damn boring mar,
thn she cum bk to class and say:"qing jie guo~"
i tot she joking or wad, so i ask her sit beside me lo~
she YELL at me:"QING JIE GUUUOOOOOO"!!!!!!
i've never yelled by my frewns like tht many years?
oh god! thts scary~
i quickly sit bk my place ~____~
bt..2day her mood good bk dy =D
yst nightmare was....OVER!`

and then horr..

tht cherries~
she angry me from wed till today ==
crazy man!
i juz dump her for a while on wed & she cn angry me till nw-.-.-
haih D=
bt 2day better la~
atlease not like yst...i call her name she just show face 2 me D:
so 2day nid 2 belanja her abit..
thn nw her mood better :D
lol we hear ipod+mp3 hear dao two oso no battery ald xD
so sien ma..
we sit upthere horr...
all those ppl kiip passing tru us ==
thn me+cherries+zhixin+siway+lion purposely go arrange properly the bags of the form1 students along the corridor~
so those ppl cnt pass tru lo~
bt the stupid uncle go and step on it la,orelse take away d bags la,
make us nid 2 arrange all over again-.-.-
PS*i found out the elder u get,the more stubborn u are.
thts wht i learn frm my *CORRIDOR LESSON*! D:

hmm...thts all~
weehhheeee 2day no tuition!!!!!!
lie to moma say i damn tired~
thn no nid gooooo =DD
sleeep dao so SHIOK!

stupid lion din send me all the pics D:
she lazy xD
as always!

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