damn KEK arx!!!
i forgotten 2 take bk my nike bottle );
NIKE weys!!~` scared later kena curi O.O"
i jz bought d arx~~~~~~~
2day i go cocuriculum marx,thn 4gt 2 take bk!
shit shit shit D=
lol bt quite happy narx♥
he hv cum weys =]]
atlease nt ssssooooo boring larx! dance teacher bo cum ==
sien daoooo~
tmr tuition T^T
duwan duwan duwan!
yorx one of my frewn say i childish lorx D=
mana ada? haih D;
ReplyDeletenike leh~~~~
so got it bek???
haha hv hv hv :DD
ReplyDeletenike bk to mama!