Thursday, May 14, 2009

thunder )=

the thunder was damn scary wey!
realize ths few days theres always thunder?
yst in skul..raining..
thn suddently theres two lightning *SHOOOM* in the class O.O
it seems that all the class oso saw the same thing.
i just saw something very bright infront of me~
thn i quickly shut my ears+close my eyes D;
so SCARRRRYYYYY aarrrrrr!!!
my teacher damn shocked leh xD
her mouth was like hanging open :O
damn funny xDDDDDD

they also say tht sciencetist say that the world will END three years later O.O
i've heard bout ths alot lah.
in tv~
duno real anot==
i still hv lots of dreams/hopes/desire i haven't get/reach/be real leh D=

oh yeah~
mums day reunion dinner was......
kinda FUN :]
damn miss my cousins aarrrxxxx!
i like tht way v always say good bye.
its....close.friendly.and gonna-miss-you-ness xD
and,,,,i like the CRAB!!!!!
crabby crabby ur my fav! yummmmm `x3
and also u! my PRAWNY! :D
with butter!!!!!!!!! `xPPPPP

lol c.leng suddently turn SUPER TAN!`
xian muuuu arx!!! :D
damn sporty lah she~
sporty thn me T^T
they say i wear skirt vry famine ==
omg famine=mature...
tht sounds....old to me xD

eh. 開不了口 damn damn damn NICCCEEE arx!
its an old song lah~
i heard in! then love it ald =D
i like tht lyrics too `x3
umm..just the chorus lah!
就是开不了口 让他知道, 我一定会阿护着你也逗你笑..
你对我有多重要, 我后悔没让你知道..
安静的听你撒娇, 看你睡觉 一直到老..
就是开不了口 让他知道, 就是那么简单几句我办不到..
整颗心熬在半空, 我只能够远远看着..
这些我都做得到, 但那个人已经不是我..

oh yeah! and ths sentance.....
没有你在我有多难熬, 没有你烦我有多烦恼 =]

vry miss him wey x)
cepat cepat gt bk what he'd lost la~
damn sien without him )=
but yay!
ths saturday hv hodong in hall =DD

omg my back...
now SWOLLEN again O.O"
moma jz nw help me apply medicine...
PAIN dao~
i sambil play piano she sambil help me apply.
guess wht...i cried ==
lol ths week i cried two times.
but im happy we're friends again =)
although not the best,bt we still are friends.


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