Sunday, May 17, 2009

omg so many pics xD
crazy dy~
lol 2day went for church as always...
wadeva every1 get used to it `x3
uncle CF went sumwhr,so thrs no one teaching d youth class..
so v hv FIONNA :D
omg so damn long wey her...sermon.
umm,i tink lesson shud be a more suitable word =]

then worship time.uncle shane take over CF preaching~
guess wht the youths was doin?

he preach.they listen.we read+talk.haha.
gosh.hope uncle CF doesn't sees this O.O"

later camhore v nana AGAIN xD
darn la.she 4gt 2 dressed up for d *purpose* 2day..
so nxt week we gonna take again.
dress up colour nxt week will be......
she suggest wan~

and..FIONNA is gona go for u-tar in kampar 2 further her studies ]=
shes gonna leave nxt mon!
mai cepat cepat take pics v her 1st lo.

omg.i damn ugly!
...and SHORT!
i was like....until her chest oni D;
so she gona bend down xD
...poor her~

later..youth girls pics :]

damn funny lah.
v was like kiip waiting d cam to flash~
our face was like smilling+cramming to wait the flash-.-.-
lol im the SHORTEST D:
darn nana went home early! she shorter thn me =P

due to too-much-batteries-to-use.
......camhore again x)

haha.i love tht choc!
hv four.i keep eat eat EAT~~~~
kinda sweet...
bt its bearable =]
thx aunty ming ai`!!

lol so many..too sien+wuliao ==
i like tht shirt arrrrxxxxx!!!!!`
its nw become my fav shirt dy :D
bought by moma.
i oso duno y she suddendly buy 4 me wan.
she buy i ma wear lo~
cz we always snatch shirt 2 wear d la =P


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