Saturday, September 5, 2009


i update this later than the date up there,
so i've forgotten some parts.

saturdae :]
gggrrrr due to that theif who stold my aqua coloured pencil a few weeks ago...
i decided to buy something aqua coloured again ;D

REXGRIP! wahahaaa..
light blue colour!!!! YAYYYY
sold in skul only rm4 :)

went parkson v mum as usual again!

pizza lunch.
which i kinda enjoyed :]
except for the soup! and the piza flavour taste kinda weired.
thai flavour o.O
later,,,,,,,went ballet class.

check out alice's ICE-CREAM

it looks freaking C-O-O-L.
but she says the function is not very great,its just preety.
haha i guess its better than mine then can dyy.mine....lagi teruk.
i guess now even the stores din sell my model of phone dy ;DD

looks NICE :DDDD
i miss the beach!
gawdd,,havent went for ballet class like 1week,
then im having muscle aches now TT
we're practising our ballet performance thingyyy,
held on nov,i think!
guess what? now i've like.......3 performance dyyy ;D
one is on nov,ballet centre bunya~
two is on also nov,church bunya~
the three is on sept 26th,my modern dance tacher's sis is getting married,
so...she choose 5 of us frm the club to perform ;]
too bad sarah's having pmr so she quit );
but the GREAT THING is....u can get RM80 =DDDDDDDDDDD
yeah its already alot to me! cause i've never earn money myself XD
aiks! and after performing,,we get to eat diner there with them,
FREE :D shark fin soup.shark fin soup!
lol my mum came to fetch me home late from ballet classs DD:
which end up.......i acompany ballet teacher pergi makan diner XD
"see if i eat finish dy ur mom come ald not,i bet she havent!" family is used to be late for everything.
did you know last year im late for school for.........12 times?
oh no D;;

just finished summer boys series!
the books are awesome :]
at night,,,went to eat "lan jie fei zhou" fish.
they say its the best feizhou fish you can get.
its advertised in some kind of tv show before!
the fish was....great la.
but the servises and other stuff was not really nice.
its kinda dirty and the aprons of the workers look kinda disgusting D:

church lah duh!

MRS.MINNIE!!! so cutttee~
lol she's wearing a dress,,poor her need to keep showing her butt to trinen XD
wore this glases i just bought frm ts!!
everything looks kinda blur while wearing it o.O

wanna see my fat facceeeee?!? ;D

random :]


this is wayyy beyond the valley of awsome-ness ;DD
i love they're expressions!
and this.........

is kinda cool 8)

currently crazaih about rugpy+tennis :D
was kinda bored,,,,so i join dad to watch the sports channel.

they're unbelievably aggresive 8O
and they fight on the match i was watching o.o

gosh i LURVE her muscles!
but she hat fat in her stomach wan xD

too bad she lost in US OPEN.
but still,she's my fav female tennis player ;D

world rank num1 and num2 ;D
but i support nadal better la.
he belum marry C:
faderal hv twin kids dy.

also too bad...he lost in US OPEN too ));


.he's sad.

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