Monday, August 3, 2009

life truly sucks.-

yeah life truly sucks.
thank god i finshed my last-minute-chinese-essay.brought it to d hall,but dint get to write a word on it.and yesterday i ate durian in my neighbours house,they buy some awsome jungle durians,and share it with us.but start from this morning,my body feels super HOT .___.
i was sweating in the hall.drinking too much water in class.keep going to toilet with wen wen for about....6 times?oh no.
and i dint have enough sleep yesterday,keep waking up.and this morning i cried.for not being abled to finshed my essay.yeah i'm nuts .____. but you cant imagine how crazy wang li fang teacher is when she's super mad.and this afternoon,went home early,and trying to have a better sleep.but the house besides mine,is renovating! so freaking noisy,keep drilling until they woke me up .even the sound scares i just open my window and shouted at them.yeah i'm childish ;D but i hate people scaring/waking me up while i'm sleeping.especially when im abit sick!urg.

oh no.
kl chunghwa close school for 1 week dyy.
kc now hv lots people fever.
lol i hope we'll hv hols too ;]
i used to dont want it last time,but its okay with me now.
august holidays!!
kuai kuai laiii.
cant wait to go pulao pangkor.yay ;3

.tired of loving you.

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