Sunday, September 13, 2009


i want my..........
cant wait for hari raya school break 1 weekkk!!
holidays are too YUMMY ;;3

forgotten when we took this 8)
i think its wednesday.

which hurts ALOT 8(
after wearing through the whole nite,
then morning take it out....its still kinda BLURRRRR ));
i cant even see properly what im typing!

those clening lens stuff is too many like hell.
and kinda complicated.its like im scared i drip wrong solution into my eyes
and this is a pair of HARD LENS T.T
which is effectife to reshape the cornea.
but it trully HURTS!
umm,,not hurts la,its...truly UNCOMFORTABLE DD:
left:blue colour. right:purple colour.
its for easy to recognize o.o
i almost trow the chair due to fustrated-ness.
the glases dont really help either.
they change my concave lens to.....
left eye:100 degree (suppose 650degree)
right eye:450 degree (suppose 925 degree)
yesterday my right eye power drops till 850 degree on 9 sumthing pm.
BLUR! speechless-.-
oh yeah,i cant rub my eyes.
orelse the reshaped-cornea will fade away.

ballet class.

suppose i have 3 performance,
but the "modern-dance-teacher's-sis-wedding-performance" was cancelled.
due to transport and blah blah probelms.
RM80 just FLEW away from my grasp DDDD:
wing wing wings
but..whatever! cause....
haha i have another one more performance to add in again XD
its on december.
its where last time sher+sarah having ballet competition.
different studios are going to perform some dances on that day.
or something like not sure.
i dance.and dance!
hahaha ;)
so now...on the year end..
i have 3 performance.i think so.
unless they cancelled again O=

for church again-.-
dint get to go bible class AGAIN.
end up i sitting with the adults insted of the youths.
soooo boring )=
goddd uncle c.f purposely call me on the phone to make sure i come early for bible class next week.
so scary o.o
afternoon,went rumah ku.lunch.
david! hahahaha nigerian.friendly :)
and the kafe decoration is kinda unique!

due to my computer too much RUBBISH and always hang,
i decided to delete some truly old photo's.
is 2 years ago i think.
went to pulau.....err,pulau something.
*forgotten* ):
and found lots of small small star fish.
which is REALLY GELI when you are holding it.
i think i accidently killed one last time,
because i hold it too long and too strongly O.O
starfish king dont kill me T.T

and this.....
is about...also 2 years ago?
chyeleng came and hang out in my dads office ;D
gawdd i used to be so tanned last time,
and now im white as chicken.
stupid skin ):
i wanna be TANNED!!!!!

this is SWEET as SUGAR ;;3
nice song!

and this is.....
HOT like...*i don't know*-.-


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