Wednesday, July 8, 2009


um.miss culla told me she cancelled my name for d eng essay competition!
because i beg her i dont want to join~
um.feel kinda HAPPYYY at first.
but i went home.kena my mum marah.-
so.should i go for it?
it turns out tmr im not gona huodong at d hall.
wth ));

school today was......not bad.
super fun/nervous/scared whn huiwei+me went to brw chi book x]
fun for running like a mouse.
nervous for not able to brw lao shi will kill us.
turns out whole class only one ppl not able to brw d book.
poor thingy ]=
and,scared because some1 might catch us running out of our computer period.
teeehhheee :D

oh no.
im reading new moon all over again. till d part......
when edward left belllaaaaa ))))));
thats d part i hate d most.
just by reading it might make my mood turns from happy till gloomy
haih.EDWARD :3

mj funeral was....sad.
d time of U.S is faster than m'sia 7 hours.
so today 0:30am-3 sumthing am,dad+mum watch his funeral.
theres lots of repeat in cnn+bbc.
or 8tv on 10:15pm.

found out one of super juniors song is kinda nice :D

sounds abit like "lolli lolli"

.its so hard to have the time.
ps*did you do it on purpose or something?

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