Friday, July 31, 2009

he's back ;D

today hv art class,
we're suppose to draw this!
teacher draw then print it as a photo.
hehe i love it ;3

huodong was wayyyy *boring* ~.~
teacher dint come cz she went china for a performance.
so,,end up.....i sat there watching the "chinese dance club" practising.
they're hving a performance this sat!
i cant go ));
eeekkkk they're moves are wayyy A-W-S-O-M-E!!
sharp.steady.and great stamina.
*some of them are from "han feng dancing club*
haha sarah dance there b4.
she keep telling us how it works thr.
and ofcourse,
its also enjoyable watching him play.
school was fustrating/unlucky.
theres the sej fail i hvn pass up,though its due today.
and going bm+eng tuition is always a nightmare for me.
the air-cond is too cold.the lessons makes me wana *drool* like a pig!
and im useless in bm tuition answering-group-games~
and this afternoon,
i was forced to buy this,,,,,,,,,...............
i cant beleive i hv a pair of "kc socks" nw @.@
actually the length of my socks until my knee d.
thn i fold it until it looks like im wearing short socks.
thn the prefect force me to buy this nerd kc socks-.-
so,rm5 gone.
atlease she cancelled my "xue hao" she recorded la.
orlese im gona meet diciplin teacher again ));
thank god she dint force me to chg it immediately,
she just ask me to buy D:
currently in a,,,,...

POPA came bk frm china.

bought some chocolates ;;DD
my fav, toblerone.
and his fav, smarties!!
yes, popa's still a kid :3
went to eat dinner with his partner.
the "dai chao" was not bad ;]

hehe sry lion! :]


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