Monday, June 1, 2009

new moma for dear CAMMYYY :D

gosh thrs so many pics :D
popa gv me his cam! YAY.
every1 knoes i take it everywhr v me d la~
soo...i took lots photoooosss! yay yay yay yay x33333


day:went to church to prepare for dads day celebration.
stick ths stickers stick dao i wana pengsan @__@
nite:went to uncle jasons hse!
he's one of d international bmt player yrs ago!!
nw bcm coach dy~ kinda lengzai leh :D
and his dog memang cuttteeeee!

its tail brown colour ddd!!
and kiip shaking `=333
super active.kiip lick and crawl on my leg-.-
love to pee everywhere D:
even in d neighbours hse O.O

super long din c her dyyyy.
bt ntg to talk to her lah.
duno y~ jz play saja :]

later we hv bbq lo~
smoky daoooo~~~~~~
i dint even get a chance to eat leh DDDDD;;
neh.those adults eat finish dy =(

due to too full-ness+boring-ness,,
zhilian again =/

actually im trying 2 use to ths cam lah.
too light for me compare 2 d last one.
omg i mmiiissss it );

okay.ths ppl were lyk playing mahjong.drinkin wine and stuff.
oh yeah!ICE WINE!!!! :D
super swweeeeettttt~
go try if u can :3 v kids was lyk watching tv till we................................

.............fall asleep?
except me.i guess.
oh and my dads blackberry dint fall asleep!
oh and my winney the pooh :3
view my blog-.-.-

oh and also mickey+miney =DDDDDDDDD

ths girl was lyk kip looking at me O.O
as thought im crazy )=
so i took a pic of her.and show her.
she was lyk kiipppp laughing ~_____~
and she kiip looking at my blackberry+cam!
neninenibubu ur too young so u duno wht is it :PPPPPP
i dont realy lyk smal childrens anw~
they're kind of anoyying to me.
ppl always say they're i feel lyk im gona slap them O.O
mayb bcz im d 'only one'?
okay i feelll super bad. she's fine lah.atlease she pui me whn im alone thr :D
and we went b home lyk.......2AM?
so sleepppy ~.~


teehhheee took pics v NANA agaiiinnnnnn :DDDDDDDD
i lyk her lah.its lyk u wont feel awkward or weired while taking pics =]]
love u nana<3333333
yay :)

eeeeeeee she's giving flying kises `x3

rmb ths wall?
my pose luks weired :S

umm.mum bought flowerss to d church =]
omg.i almost forget.
out for dinner tmr :)
gona hv pics againnnnn :P

tell you.
my muscles arg.getting looser ddyyyy! O.O
3 weeks din go for swim train?
thn lyk tht dy :S
gotta go tmr~~
v sheeennnnyyyy :D

i've always love the smell.
um.the smell of the pool :3
it makes me high.energetic.and EXCITED!!!!!!!! gona get 2 d stadium tmr....
tak boleh tahan fat :/

its SUPERB!!
go see go seeee :D
and.MARRYYYYYYY <333333
yeng yeng yeng!

okay.i finish my PRINCESS DIARIEESS leh!
micheal+mia.HAPPY ENDING.
yay J.P suck off xP
still wana read one more timmeee :D

.cassy*dads day frame preparations pics i'll send to u later.
.started to change.

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