Sunday, July 12, 2009

not bad :]


morning 9am woke up.went to verns hse.
unfortunately,dad's late,so i went thr 1 hr later.-
they wait lyk hell.sry peeps! :(

her hse was....kinda huge+nice.
altough i've came here d 2nd time,
but cant help take pics :D
lz time i rmb her dog,(um 4gt whts its name)used to run here n thr.
but nw,poor thingy,lock inside its hse .__.
saw some drawings in frames.
this..was werns dad!
cute :3 but,with glases.
uncle :] he's kind~

love d electric piano!
whn u play tht key,d light will shines :D
was..superb hungry!
ate...pork mee :P
too bad i only get to eat 1 bowl ))=

went ballet class.
not to dance,but to sit and peek around :D
due to my leg was injured,
i cant evem walk straight.
even have problems to stand/climb d stairs/stand straight/bend my knee!
was quite bored to see them dance.
hope my freaking leg will move.
and not hurt :/

went to church aniversary celebration.
kind of.....normal?
d singing was....also acapella .__.
but anw,great leadership cassy :]
and..dont care what he says!*


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