Monday, July 13, 2009

nervous+scared :/

went to church..
no blble class.bro Horgan came here frm u.s.
he's 81.super healthy waih.
can stand non-stop for like....2hrs.
crazaih! heard he play squash lz time :]
friendly fellow :3

thanks cassy ;;D
they say this is a limited edition doll!
outside cant get it dy.
super sry i dint get you tht book.

after church..
went verns hse again.
reach thr early.she went to fetch d xuemei.
left me alone v her parents O.O
thank god hv my new moon book puii me!
and....them! :D
cute rite? d penguin is a toothpic case~

like....20mis later.
mel came.vern still nt bk.
camwhore again :]
life isn't fun without photo's!
after abit..vern came.
practise again.-
trying to imitate this acapella....
i think...we got....65% of it?
oh no O.O

relax abit.
thts mels+verns sun glass :3
i hv one,bt i doesn't suits me.

practise shots :]
super lame.-
but thts hw its fun!!

saw this picture near by verns computer.
it says...."youth need to exercise more,most prefer computer games"
CUTE :33333


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