Wednesday, July 22, 2009


haha i jz saw this pic in cassy's.
lol i take.she take.
yeehhheee :D hv P.E class.
volleyball is finally making,fustrated.
my hands have blueblack patches now!
and i cant "open-ball" properly.
either the ball flew to far away for ying to catch,
or it just roll somewhere.
poor thingy ying keep picking up d ball.pheeee sorry :D
lol her ball keep land infront of me(theres a puddle of water infront of me),
KESIAO .________. the water keep splashing on me!
i need to wipe my glases dry.
haha ew.

sounds FUN :]

1 . What have you been doing recently?
um,finding my bookkeeping papers,my room is a mess O.O
2 . Do you ever turn your handphone off?
sometimes.its out of credit,so its useless ));
3 . What happened at 10am today?
walking aroung my class.its super boring.-
4 . When did you last cry?
i guess just now when im bathing? =/
5 . Believe in Fate/Destiny?
yeah.maybe :] orelse i wont get to meet him rite?
6 . What do you want in life now?
some confidence.and stop thinking too muchie!
7 . Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
umbrella duh! even a hood might get wet okayyy~
8. What's your favourite thing to do on bed ?
reading my eng story books.thats my lovely private time ;;DD i hate sleeping on my bed,cause i often get stupid dreams .____.
9. What bottoms are you wearing now?
a "55 athletic" super short!
10 . What are the nicest things in your inbox?
his mail.
11 . Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
um,i dont know.
12 . Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
no :D
13 . What was the last movie you caught?
yesterday,korean movie "summer love"! SUPER LENGZAI `x33
14 . What are you proud of ?
the times i get to spend v my friends =]
15 . What does the oldest text msg in your inbox says and who is it from?
i think its from ray? omg so long time ago D:
16 . What was the last song you sang out loud?
teardrops on my guitar.
17 . Do you have any nicknames?
juju.wei wei.zhu wei ba.and,,."mo jie" or "slow-mo" ]=
18 . What does the newest text msg says and who is it from?
um,.hvn really receive any msg cz every1 knoes im out of d latest msg is frm,,um,ivan :]
19 . What time did you go to sleep last night?
1 somthing.reading my story book,i cant stop.its my "private-time" ;3
20 . Are you currently happy?
not really.i hvn see him for 3days .___.
21 . Who gives you the best advice?
popa! he's cuming bk frm vietnam TODAY =DDDDDDD
22 . Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can ?
um,.apa tu? :S
23 . Who do you talked to on phone last night?
no one.
24 . Is something bugging you right now?
25 . Who is the last person to make you laugh?
lion :D
26.Do you like yourself?
sometimes yes.and sometimes no.
28.Do you think you are stupid sometimes?
yeah almost everytime. )); cant help it okayyyy.
29.Who is your best fren?
um,.theres many ;3
30.What will you do if you like that boy?
i have no idea.its rocket science :X
31.Who are your favourite stars?
depends on the trend ;]
32.You hate your mother sometimes in some ways?
yeah she's kinda annoying.
33.Do you had even stead before?
lol whts tht?
34.what type of boy do you like?
also depends.eng educated i guess.talented.feels cold.
35.Now are you single/attached?
haha you already know :}

lol.not bad.
was super boring.
open ears on tmr's "bao gao"
v decide to practise on recess time again :O

tmr hv P.E class again.
vball again!
poor hand ));

due to saturday P.E teacher is gona bring d football team for competition,
so,.our sat p.e class chg to tmr D:
gudluck on ur competition captain turtle :D
it'll be fun if his leg turns out broken.

.3 days.
yay huodong!

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