Friday, May 14, 2010



wheeee hey i'm finally back to blogging (;
i've been kinda busy since form5, i'm only allowed to online every weekend.
moms rule );
sigh. so...this time i curi-curi on bunya xP
nevermind, shes going China starting next week,so i'll be able to online everyday next week :PP!
sad case is.....i'm gonna have to prepare the food all myself, find transport, iron my own uniform....etc....=.=
life ish tiring these days, really can't wait to go Hong Kong on June!
3 more weeks to go,sigh.

well, thats me.(: perasan-ing.
actually..i just bought a new colour contacts lah.
purple 3-tone :D
gonna buy a new pair. blue ones! basically,my daily life routine is just..
school -> dancing -> tuition.
EVERYDAY!!!! you not sien i also sien liao==.
yesterday after cocuriculum, my mom came to school to fetch me on 7:30pm!
thats the latest i've ever stayed in school o.o
thank gawd have jia ni, my chairman accompany until mom comes (:
played badminton for more than a hour, i guess.
play dao the sky getting darker and darker till we can't even see where the ball flies to-.-
mom's gonna pay for it D:
i love you jia ni!! :DDDD
being in school alone in the dark is just plain scary okay )8

this was...last saturday.(:
eikie laopo's, & mine.
who's one nicer? :P
huiwei's new contacts is green 8D
but she duwana take, she's sacred of the flash-.- zadou.

well actually we planned we're supposed to something that scares ourself this week, just to make our life alil more interesting (life is tireing & boring!),
then, we're suppose to go to the hall to listen some boring story-telling competition.
but we din't :D
hide in the toilet like siao nia @@
hot dou sei! and that ling hua gui keep walking here & there ==
macam being theives saja ): but din't kena catch la.phew!
this experience doesn't feel good at all nia-.-
but shiok lah,dint kena catch mah.
hiding behind the door xD
empty class view :D
check out my cacat kc socks-.-
decided to take off our shoes, run & climb onto the windows grill (hiding behind the curtains)
just incase someone saw us and came into the class o.o
BUBU :3 is still alive! she once kena throw by huiwei from 6th floor to ground floor

went to maths tuition next.
mummy xie lao shi =D
the sheeps! so adorable x3
we have somthing alike....
loving soft & cute stuff xD
short-neck-giraffe doing buddha pose (;
(its something to make me not to fall asleep in class)

after that went for ballet.
just finished my Grade-8 Ballet exam on 26 of April,
so, its R-E-L-A-X time (;
gonna work out more on our fitness!
tummy excercise!!!!!!!
all my muscles has gone loose =.= EW!
left swim team almost a year, since last may!

btw, its also MOTHERS DAY.
happy Moms Day moma, ily!
although you're grumpy at times-.-
......went back to seremban.
the bear gives us loads of memories huh?
i used to run for my life when i see it last time,
but now...XD it looks sooooo happy i'm holding his hand hahahhaha

church as usual.
still late as usual too :P
uncle CF went to singapore with the Tong family.
so no youth class.
KARYAO aunty cass♥ !
may god give you the power to recover.
kyna, karyao too. we love you.

went to jaya 1 =D
gosh i love that place!
dunno why crystal hates it-,-
maybe because that place is full of food.
i love anywhere that fills with food ;D
its like heaven to me♥ again =P

well.......laopo says that all my photo's these days has lost the kind of feel i used to have last time )=
the fresh & pure feel.
hope this time i've found it back (:
i don't like keep taking emo pics!

p/s, i'm probably not gonna study form6 in kc next year )=
well....depends on my results lah.
urggg i dont wanna be the chairman for my modern dance club )8!!
&& theres this "One Day Colledge Life" in Taylors :D
i've fill up the form,
choice 1: Hospitality (prefered hotel management, event planning & culinary arts although i dont cook at home :P)
choice 2 : Communication (journalism)
huiwei goes same with me(:
i've inform aunty peyling, one of my church members, that i've applied (shes the student counsellor there),she'll probably meet me there if im going gua~

date: 22nd of May
time: 8am-5pm
place: at my school Kuen Cheng High,duh.
purpose: to get $$ to build the next big building!

theres lotsa food, games, drinks, performance by different clubs...etc.
contact me if you're interested (:
well,it's worth a try 8S
im performing! xD

"he's gonna miss you"
"yeah right"

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