Sunday, July 5, 2009


church today.
was late again.-
but manage to crap in to bible class :D
uncle cf talked bout hate-lessons.
the only way to make d person to not hate you...
is to b that persons friend :3
its glad that ths out station youth is back.
after august they're goin bk 4 their studies again ));

CHYE LENG came :]
shes my cousin in kl.others r all in s'ban~
went strwberries park thr eat.
lol i saw another boy frm my skul thr again -.-
ths time a tall+wear glases wan! turns out...
tht boy is "his" best friend.
gosh anywhere i go.i'll c one of d ppl in my skul!
haih D:
foods not bad.
thank cl letting me eat ur char gui tiao!
i super dumb,jz call "lo bak" ~,~
went to camwhore!
-bang each others HEADS!!!!!-
gggggrrrrr DDDD:

love the greenery :D
lol cl say d parking lot luks nice O.O
love d colour anyways~
in d end.....
we dance....
tadda taddda tdadadadaddadada xDDDD
isshhh too bad i cant upload tht stupid video.
we recorded cnt upload ));

last.went to magazines shop!
d mags are CRAZAIHHHH~~

ps* nana.nomather what happens,
we'll always b with you.
be who you are as last time.
stay strong.
we love you :]

you make me eager for tomorrow

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