Saturday, May 16, 2009

try once→used to it~ xD

normally i go canteen on 2nd recess d ma..
bt i cant bare 2 see the others eating in my class on 1st recess..
and i hv ntg to eat bt waiting till d 2nd ]=
so on monday cherries was like sujesting 'y not v curi curi buy food thn put in pocket and bring it up to class to eat?'
thn i was like......'well...ok!'
so monday we tried...
and SUCCESS!!!!! :D
thn tuesday......we tried.....
and SUCCESS!!!!!!! =D
thn wednesday......
v did the same thing xD
SHIOK lah wei eat in class v d aircond running and stuff =]
the prefects nvr caught us xD

today..dint do lisan..
kena *SHOO* out by tht malai po D=
we were like picnic outside d class xD
sitting outside the cares to stand?
purposely kek tht teacher~
too bad she dint get angry of us chging our "picnic spots" ):
due to too boring-ness.yuki wrote all our names on d wall~
the not-cheap group! :DD
and my bball exams T^T
god everyone knows im such a sucker in it-.-.-
play 5 times the ball oni kena trow in 1 TIME xDDD VERY HAPPIII wey!
one time is already miracle too me :D
i was shouting whn it got in~~~~~~ xD

and...ppl used to say my life was always busy-,-,- used to it~weird?
ths week was..............DANCING WEEK? :D

MONDAY~`maths tuition.ballet class.
TUESDAY~`suppose hv chi tuition.skipped for modern dance practice.
WEDNESDAY~`modern dance rehersal>in hall so fun!.piano class.
THURSDAY~`modern dance again=.=
FRIDAY~`eng+bm tuition.freedom frm dancing :DD
SATURDAY~`modern dance xD.ballet class.
SUNDAY~`church!for swimming D;

gues wht?!? i havent went for swiming for like......hw many weeks?
2 weeks?
oh no );
this week is anti-swiming for me.thts for sure D:

and..oh-am-gee O.O
the AH1N1 desease has found spread to another 2 person again!
a man..a children )=
the 1st person was hospitalized in sg.buloh!!!!!!
gosh thts quitee.........near to my hse?

darn moma.
im lazy 2 gt out of ths hse for dinner.
was not bcz i wanted 2 on9 la stupid~
im jz lazy 2 chg clothes+tidy.dressed properly my hair!
she jz dashed of v dad shouting 'i wont take away any food for you!'
and she pluck of my on9 wire and gone out with it ==
bt i hv a spare wire..she dint kno it xDD
so im on9-ing nw :D
llalalallalallala =P

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