Tuesday, May 19, 2009

many things happened...

thrs too many things happened waih!
and i don't know where to start :D

2day was bm language examination!!!
thanks GODDY tht it came out 'syarahan' leh :DD
i copy wht cik.ong teach us..
yang saya muliakan tuan pengurusi majilis..bla bla~~~
but thts section B..section A duno write apa-.-.-
thn finished writing...
tooo wuliao..so i wrote another essay in english xD

im crazy rite???????
lol i lurv writing english essays lah :D
it lets me out or something `x3
so it was like....the whole class was sleeping and im writing writing :]
some of thm keep look at me..at thought i havent finished writing my bm karangan~
pls lah! im nt so geng okay! :O

and gues wht? i bought hp 2 skul 2day xDDDDD
mamang scared lah.bt fun =]

yerr...popa sick lah );
he demam+cough+flue~
cham cham cham!

and!!!i drop my NIKE BOTTLE 2 TIMES ytd aarrrrrggggg!
neh! bcz of tht claudia lah!stupid.
v play here push there thn tht poor nike jump off d table D:
d sencond time is bcz.......................
i fell asleep on chi geo period ma..
thn my hand accidently push it..thn *boom*..
i was like...huh?!?OMG! damn fish xDDDD

yyaayyyyyyyy! tmr hv modern dance practise in d hall stage :D
lurv dancing waih~ or maybe love them? xD
tmr after skul v cepat capat go mcd bungkus some makanan oni cum bk dance...
fan zen tht chairman oso won scold d la~
lallalallala :PP

eh they say tmr is a gud day 2 "gao bai" worr~
cz its may 20th ma. so....520~ in chinese call 'wo ai ni' la!
funny lah!duno hu invented it `x3

.missed who?.

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